
Archive for May 3, 2010

Divorce is finally final!!! Now on to administrative bullshit

So April 15, 2010, may suck for many people but it will be my own personal independence day. Well, it still suck for me as well but at least this is the date my divorce was finally final.

Leading up to this day was filled with some lows and some highs. I had originally given my soon to be ex-wife a settlement offer back in November. She argued every financial part of it. However, cheating precluded her from seeking alimony & the child support amount was calculated via a spreadsheet. She basically had nothing to negotiate regarding that. But that did not stop her from trying. At the end of the day, she was eligible for $1,780 per month in child support.

After months of telling her we were done she kept coming back to the fact she could not exist on what I was offering. I was insistent that working for the major retail chain was not going to cut it. She makes $8.95/hour and averages 25 hours a week.

Now, a month & half out from the divorce, we’re still trying to get the administrative bullshit completed.  She finally is on her own cell phone plan & the QDRO for one of my 401k accounts is in process (that’ll be a post on its own).  The big sticking point is her car.  I signed the title over to her on April 30th, but she has yet to go to the county tax office to complete the transfer.  At this point, she is 30 days past the sale date, and will likely incur penalties and/or additional fees.  As my new motto goes, it’s not my problem anymore.

The bad news is that she has yet to get auto insurance set up, so I’m in a bit of quandary of what to do.  I can cut her off & say it’s not my problem anymore.  The reality of this is, while satisfying being a dick, she still has to truck the kids around too.  What is a schmuck to do?

But the bottom line is the divorce is final.  Hallelujah.

Categories: Divorce